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Top 10 tips to accelerate your recruitment process

Written by L'équipe Hunteed | 27 January 2022

A long recruitment process affects the employer's image and is costly. Furthermore, a long   recruitment process doesn't necessarily mean you're recruiting the right candidate. Rather, if candidates are not eager to hear the final decision, they are probably less interested. There is also the risk that the recruiter will select a candidate out of spite. 

Accelerating the recruitment process must therefore be an HR priority. Here are 10 tips to achieve this.

Indeed, there are many issues at stake. A long process affects the employer's image and is costly. Moreover, a long recruitment process is not necessarily a sign that the candidate recruited will be the right one. On the contrary, if a candidate is not impatient to know the final decision, it means that he is probably less interested. Another risk of a long process is that the recruiter finally selects a candidate out of spite. 

Accelerating the recruitment process must therefore be an HR priority. Here are 10 tips to do so


1. Rigorously define the job requirements and the profile

Recruiting takes time when you haven't clearly defined your expectations. You need to draft a relevant job description as accurate as possible to avoid irrelevant applications. This prevents you from wasting time evaluating profiles that don't fit the company's needs. 

You should also establish the profile of your ideal candidate, the recruitment persona, and prioritize the selection criteria.  Finally, a clear definition of the position and the profile will give you a first clue on the niche where your recruiting will have the best chances to succeed.

This will save you time on 3 levels: 

  • fewer non-compliant applications, 
  • less sorting of applications by determining a typical candidate profile
  • productive recruiting.

2. Using the cooptation method

The recommendation or cooptation system is usually more effective and faster, than any other recruitment system. In fact, it happens through an intermediary that both parties (the company and the potential candidate) trust. 

The recommender doesn't want to risk recommending the wrong profile and the recommended candidate wants to live up to the recommendation. The turnover rate is very low and doubles the recruitment time. Moreover, the cooptation system avoids having to go through all the long stages of recruitment: sourcing, selection, interviews of several candidates. 

The cooptation system can also be automated. To do this, you must build a computerized system of recommendations and notifications on social media and professional networks. For example, you can be notified when a suitable profile appears.

3. Involve the right people from the start

Constantly going back and forth between the HR department and others involved in the recruitment effort makes the process longer. Therefore, it's important to identify all the parties to involve from the start, defining those whose opinion is absolutely required and those whose opinion is only advisory. Collegiality or too much hierarchical validation tends to increase the duration of the recruitment process tenfold. Waiting for feedback takes time. The best approach is to stick to a small team that can make and handle decisions. You can then set up weekly meetings or alert systems whenever their feedback is required.

4. Shorten the steps

In recruitment, "less is more" is also a rule to follow. You should define the steps candidates must go through prior to the recruitment process. Moreover, keep them informed of the different steps. 

Don't increase the number of tests and interviews, because if you are not convinced by a candidate, then it's probably because they are not the right person. Furthermore, only 48% of candidates are willing to attend a second interview. If you set up a third interview, you are more likely to discourage and tarnish your image than to make a qualified recruitment. Be sure to have an evaluation grid based on your prioritized criteria and stick to it.